Customer Electronic Consent and Disclosure Agreement

Symetra Life Insurance Company and First Symetra National Life Insurance Company of New York


By signing this agreement, you acknowledge and understand you are providing your consent to transact business with Symetra Life Insurance Company, First Symetra National Life Insurance Company of New York and their affiliates and third party service providers (“Symetra”) utilizing electronic communications and in some instances indicate your agreement with terms and conditions and demonstrate your acceptance using an electronic signature in lieu of a hand written signature on paper.  You may withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us at our business address, website, or by phone.

What is the purpose of this Electronic Consent and Disclosure Agreement?

Symetra will provide you with certain communications, applications, agreements, billing statements, notices, disclosures, documents or other information in writing (“Communications”) regarding our products or services. 

Your agreement to this Customer Electronic Consent and Disclosure Agreement (“Consent Agreement”) confirms:

  • Your ability and consent to receive Communications electronically, rather than in paper form; 
  • Your agreement to use of electronic signatures in our relationship with you; and
  • Your agreement to all of the terms and conditions set forth in this Consent Agreement.

If you do not want to receive Communications regarding the products and services electronically or, if you do not want to use electronic signatures in your relationship with us, or if you do not agree with all of the terms and conditions of this Consent Agreement, you should not sign and acknowledge this Consent Agreement. 

What does this Consent Agreement cover once I sign it?

While not a complete listing, the types of Communications that may be sent to you or otherwise made available to you electronically include:

  • Insurance application and enrollment forms and related documents
  • Your insurance policy, annuity contract or certificates of coverage under a group insurance policy or annuity contract
  • Billing statements
  • Policy or contract statements
  • Claim forms
  • Privacy notices and other disclosures
  • Prospectuses and/or prospectus supplements
  • Annual and semi-annual reports
  • Financial reports
  • Immediate transaction confirmations
  • Policy cancellation, overdue premium notifications (e.g., grace periods, lapse notices) or termination notices
  • Tax forms

Where required by law, Symetra will also deliver policy cancellation, overdue premium notifications, lapse notifications and termination notices to you on paper.

Even though you have provided Symetra with this Consent Agreement, Symetra may, at its option: (a) deliver Communications to you on paper, and (b) require that certain Communications from you be delivered to Symetra on paper and signed by your hand and/or notarized for your security.

Can I get paper copies of the Communications?

Yes. You may obtain paper copies of any of the Communications we provide to you by printing the copy yourself or by contacting Symetra at the address provided below (or such other address as may be provided to you in the future). As allowed by your state, if there is a charge or fee associated with requesting a paper copy of what we have provided to you electronically, the charge or fee will be disclosed to you in advance. We reserve the right, and assume no obligation, to provide a paper (instead of electronic) copy of any Communication that you have authorized us to provide electronically. If you do not agree to receive all documents electronically, contact Symetra at the address below.

Should I maintain copies of the Communications?

Yes. By agreeing to this Consent Agreement, you agree to print or save this Consent Agreement and all electronic Communications, and to keep printed or electronic copies of them for your records. If you have any trouble with printing or saving, you should contact Symetra and request paper copies of the Communications.

How long will this Consent Agreement remain in effect?

This Consent Agreement shall become effective once you electronically sign it and it is received by Symetra. It will remain in effect for so long as Symetra is providing products or services to you, or until you withdraw your consent (as described in the next section), whichever occurs first.

What if I change my mind?

If at any time you would like to cease doing business electronically with Symetra, you will need to provide Symetra with written notice of your withdrawal of your consent to do business electronically, which will then terminate this Consent Agreement. You may withdraw consent at any time and without charge by contacting Symetra. Your withdrawal of consent to do business electronically and the termination of this Consent Agreement will become effective two (2) business days after the respective company’s receipt of your withdrawal of consent. Thereafter, all Communications will be provided to you on paper.

What if my contact information changes?

You are required to keep Symetra informed of any changes to your e-mail address and all other contact information. You may inform Symetra of any such changes by contacting them at the addresses or our website provided below (or such other customer service addresses as may be provided to you in the future).

How can I contact Symetra?

You can contact Symetra as follows:

Symetra Life Insurance Company
777 108th Avenue NE, Suite 1200
Bellevue, WA 98004-5135
Phone 800.796.3872

Log in at

Are there any hardware or software requirements to do business electronically with Symetra?

Yes. To access and retain the Communications sent or made available to you electronically by Symetra you must have access to a computer with an Internet connection. You must be able to send and receive e- mails, and be able to save the Communications to a storage device for later reference and have the computer connected to a printer so you can print out such Communications. The minimum hardware and software requirements are:


  • Microsoft Windows 10 using Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer 11, or a current version of Firefox, or Chrome
  • Microsoft Windows 8 using Internet Explorer 11 or later, or a current version of Firefox, or Chrome
  • Mac OS X v11 or later using Safari 7 or later, or a current version of Firefox, or Chrome

Mobile App:

  • iOS: Latest version and up to one version back
  • Android: Latest version and up to two versions back


  • Adobe Reader 9.0 or later for documents secured with AES 128-bit encryption or lower
  • Adobe Reader 10 or later for documents secured with AES 256-bit encryption

These minimum requirements are subject to change from time to time and it is your responsibility to comply with these requirements as they change.

Additional Terms

By agreeing to the terms of this Consent Agreement, you agree that Symetra may rely on electronic signatures in our relationship with you and you agree to waive all claims against Symetra based on any allegation that the electronic receipt or execution of any Communications described herein is invalid, unenforceable, or insufficient. Additionally, you agree to indemnify, defend and hold Symetra, harmless for any losses, claims, damages, awards, penalties, or injuries incurred by any third party, including reasonable attorney's fees, which arise from: (i) a breach of any term or condition of this Consent Agreement by you; or, (ii) your (or any other person accessing your computer or using your account or user credentials) use or misuse of the systems and processes used in connection with the receipt or execution via electronic means of Communications.

If you are providing this consent as the representative of a non-natural person (for example, if you are providing this consent on behalf of your employer), you declare and certify that upon the date of your electronic signature, you are duly empowered to execute this Consent Agreement, are properly doing so within the scope and of such authority, and that this Consent Agreement is a valid and legal agreement binding on such party and enforceable in accordance with its terms.  You hereby indemnify and hold Symetra harmless for any improper authority you exercise on behalf of another person or entity.

By signing, electronically signing, or checking the “I ACCEPT” box or typing your name and e-mail address below, you affirm the following:

  • I have CAREFULLY read and understand this Consent Agreement and accept it voluntarily and with full knowledge and agreement of its terms and conditions.
  • I have read this Consent Agreement using computer hardware and software that meets the minimum hardware and software requirements described above. I am responsible for ensuring that my computer hardware, computer software, internet service providers and cellular service providers do not inhibit or interfere with the notices and communications described herein.
  • There is no charge for electronic delivery, although I may incur charges associated with my use of the internet or receipt of text messages, telephone calls or facsimiles, and Symetra will not reimburse such charges.
  • For jointly owned contracts, both owners are consenting to receive information electronically.
  • For jointly owned contracts, all information will be provided to the email address listed.
  • Electronic delivery will be cancelled if e-mails are returned undeliverable and you will be defaulted to paper delivery of all correspondence. Fees may be incurred in the change to paper delivery, as allowed by law.
  • For Kentucky residents: The policyholder who elects to allow for this policy, notices and communications to be sent to the electronic mail address provided by the policyholder should be aware that the election operates as consent by the policyholder for all notices to be sent electronically, including notice of nonrenewal and cancellation. Therefore, the policyholder should be diligent in updating the electronic mail address provided to the insurer in the event that the address should change.
  • For Tennessee residents: The policyholder electing to allow for notices and communications to be sent to the electronic mail address provided by the policyholder should be aware that the insurer rightfully considers this election to be consent by the policyholder that all notices may be sent electronically, including notice of nonrenewal and notice of cancellation. Therefore, the policyholder should be diligent in updating the electronic mail address provided to the insurer in the event that the address should change.
  • I will print and save a copy of this Consent Agreement for myself or any other party I may represent or may act on their behalf.

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