Universal Paid Leave (UPL)
Paid Family and Medical Leave (PFML)
District of Columbia
District of Columbia Department of Employment Services (“DOES”)
Effective: 07/01/20
Last updated: 01/16/24
State website: www.dc.gov

District of Columbia Universal Paid Leave (DC UPL) Plan Details
State or private plan: State plan only. Insurers are not allowed to insure or administer DC PFML. |
Mandatory coverage: All private sector District of Columbia employers with one or more employee. This includes any business performing services in the District of Columbia that also pays unemployment insurance taxes for its employees, nonprofit organizations, and household employers that pay unemployment insurance tax. The federal government, District government, or any employer in the District that the District of Columbia cannot tax under federal law or treaty is exempt. Self employed individuals who meet certain criteria may opt into the program. |
Waiting period: 0 days. |
Benefit duration: Medical Leave: 12 weeks in a 52-week period. Employee can receive up to two additional weeks of medical leave for prenatal care. Family Leave: 12 weeks in a 52-week period for bonding or caring for family member. Total combined maximum: 12 weeks in a 52-week period, plus up to two additional weeks for DC PFML for prenatal care (for a combined total maximum of 14 weeks). |
Maximum benefit: $1,118. |
Coverage details |
Insurers are not allowed to insure or administer DC PFML. |
Covered employers |
Covered individuals |
Employees are generally eligible if they are:
Contribution amount |
State plan rate:
Waiting period |
None. |
Benefit calculation |
Maximum weekly benefit amount |
$1,118 per week. |
Minimum weekly benefit amount |
None. |
Other income amount offsets |
Maximum duration |
Medical leave: 12 weeks in a 52-week period. Employee can receive up to two additional weeks of medical leave for prenatal care. Family leave: 12 weeks in a 52-week period for bonding or caring for family member. Total combined maximum: 12 weeks in a 52-week period, plus up to two additional weeks for DC PFML for prenatal care (for a combined total maximum of 14 weeks). |
Frequently Asked Questions
Is coverage continued after termination of employment?
Yes. Insurance coverage may be continued up to two weeks after termination of employment.
What are the qualifying leave reasons?
"Qualifying parental leave event" means events, including bonding, associated with:
- The birth of an eligible individual’s child;
- The placement of a child with an eligible individual for adoption or foster care; or
- The placement of a child with an eligible individual for whom the eligible individual legally assumes and discharges parental responsibility.
- "Qualifying family leave event" means the diagnosis or occurrence of a serious health condition of a family member of an eligible individual.
- "Qualifying medical leave event" means the diagnosis or occurrence of an eligible individual’s own serious health condition.
What is the taxable wage base?
Most states include a taxable wage base (a maximum income amount that certain taxes are based on). However, in the District of Columbia, there is no cap on taxable wages.
What is the minimum wage?
How do we determine the benefit year?
D.C. uses 52 calendar weeks for the benefit year.
Can leave be taken on an intermittent leave basis?
Yes. Benefits may be taken in full day increments.
How are benefits prorated?
Intermittent leave is calculated based on the employee’s regular work week. An employee who works five days will be entitled to 1/5 of PFL weekly benefit amount for one day of leave.
Is UPL leave job protected?
If paid leave taken under the District’s program also qualifies as protected leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), or the District’s Family and Medical Leave Act (DCFMLA), the paid leave taken shall run concurrently with (not in addition to) the leave taken under FMLA or DCFMLA.
How does accrued paid leave apply to use of D.C. UPL?
- An individual’s use of additional paid-leave benefits while receiving paid-leave benefits will be determined by the covered employer’s established policies.
- An employer’s policy cannot diminish an individual’s right to the District’s paid-leave benefits.
State Resources
District of Columbia Department of Employment Services (“DOES”) Universal Paid Leave Program (UPL)
DC Paid Family Leave Employee Handbook (PDF)
DC Paid Family Leave Office of Human Rights
DC Universal Paid Leave Statute
District of Columbia Municipal Regulations and District of Columbia Register
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Symetra assumes no responsibility for the accuracy or timeliness of any information provided herein. The information contained herein is for informational purposes only and is not legal advice or a substitute for legal counsel. We recommend employers speak with legal counsel specializing in labor and employment law to ensure compliance with applicable PFML and PFL mandates.
The information on this page was updated as of March 2025.