Resources and articles

Whether you’re just starting out, are well into a career and a life that you love, or are heading into retirement, read on for ideas and products that can help you in every stage of life.


Are disability benefits taxable? Know before tax time.

Disability insurance provides essential financial protection by replacing a portion of your income if an injury or illness prevents you from working.

Gen X retirement: For the “Slacker Generation,” it’s time to get serious about saving

Generation X, born between 1965 and 1980, is often labeled “the Slacker Generation,” a cynical and forgotten middle child between the larger boomer and millennial generations who wants to just get on with things with as little interference as possible.

The cost of cancer: Preparing for the unexpected

A cancer diagnosis can change everything—your health, your routine and your financial stability. The cost of treatment, combined with the indirect costs of lost income and ongoing care, can be as overwhelming as the disease itself. Even with traditional health insurance, the expenses associated with treatment, travel and time away from work can quickly add up. While you can’t predict a cancer diagnosis, you can take steps to help protect yourself and your loved ones against the financial strains associated with the illness.

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Getting started

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Term vs. perm: Which life insurance is right for me?

When you purchase life insurance, one of the first decisions you’ll have to make is whether to buy term or permanent insurance. What’s the difference? Here are some basics to help you decide.

Life insurance decoded: What are premiums?

In any conversation about insurance, the term “premium” is likely to come up. Premiums are simply the price you pay your insurance provider for your coverage, and they vary from person to person and by how much coverage you need. Learn more about life insurance premiums, how they’re determined, and where they go.

Life insurance decoded: How health and other factors affect your pricing

Most people understand the value of life insurance—you pay for it while you’re alive to protect your loved ones after you’re gone. But many people don’t understand how their health and lifestyle choices may affect their life insurance costs.

Saving for retirement

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During market volatility, sitting tight isn’t always right

When markets are volatile, many investors let emotion rule their decisions. Some panic and sell expensive assets at market lows, erasing their portfolio gains. Others sit tight on assets like cash that seem safer out of the market entirely, but then miss out on generating portfolio growth or offsetting losses.

For retirement planning, not every solution hits the headlines

If you’ve explored investment options for your retirement portfolio, you’re probably familiar with stocks, bonds and mutual funds. Maybe you’ve also heard about exchange-traded funds, index funds and other alternative investments. But what about annuities?

Gen X retirement: For the “Slacker Generation,” it’s time to get serious about saving

Generation X, born between 1965 and 1980, is often labeled “the Slacker Generation,” a cynical and forgotten middle child between the larger boomer and millennial generations who wants to just get on with things with as little interference as possible.

Navigating retirement

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Required minimum distributions (RMDs)

You may have heard that you shouldn’t dip into a retirement savings account too early. But did you know you may be penalized for dipping into it too late? Find out what you must withdraw.

Boost your retirement spending power with income annuities

Many retirees rely on bonds for a portion of their income, but as the Wall Street Journal explains, income annuities may provide more spending power. See if it makes sense to sell some bonds and purchase lifetime-income producing annuities instead.

Protecting elders from financial abuse

As a part of the physical aging process, seniors may experience natural cognitive decline that affects their reasoning ability and decision-making skills. This makes them especially vulnerable to fraud or other forms of abuse. Here are some signs it may be happening to a loved one.

Money and well-being

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The cost of cancer: Preparing for the unexpected

A cancer diagnosis can change everything—your health, your routine and your financial stability. The cost of treatment, combined with the indirect costs of lost income and ongoing care, can be as overwhelming as the disease itself. Even with traditional health insurance, the expenses associated with treatment, travel and time away from work can quickly add up. While you can’t predict a cancer diagnosis, you can take steps to help protect yourself and your loved ones against the financial strains associated with the illness.

Expanding your family: How much does it cost to have a baby?

From the cost of delivery to ongoing monthly expenses, there are financial considerations to expanding your family that may need additional planning.

Saving money by tying the knot: The financial advantages of getting married

While the desire to be together may be the driving force behind tying the knot, understanding the financial advantages can help provide an additional incentive.

Employee benefits

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Are you missing out on benefits offered by your employer?

Employee benefits often go beyond the basics of health insurance and retirement plans. They may include extras you might not even know about. From wellness programs to travel discounts, these workplace perks can help you save money and enjoy life a little more.

Are disability benefits taxable? Know before tax time.

Disability insurance provides essential financial protection by replacing a portion of your income if an injury or illness prevents you from working.

Tax considerations for major medical and HSA benefits

Employer-sponsored medical insurance (referred to as “major medical” insurance) is essential to many Americans for protection from the high costs of medical care. High-deductible health plans (HDHPs) have become a standard offering for many employers because they help reduce the cost of offering medical coverage, but they do result in employees covering more initial costs out-of-pocket before they reach their deductible. Health savings accounts (HSAs) were introduced to help employees pay for these increasing out-of-pocket costs—and save and invest to be better prepared for costs in the future.

Term vs. perm: Which life insurance is right for me?

When you purchase life insurance, one of the first decisions you’ll have to make is whether to buy term or permanent insurance. What’s the difference? Here are some basics to help you decide.

Life insurance decoded: What are premiums?

In any conversation about insurance, the term “premium” is likely to come up. Premiums are simply the price you pay your insurance provider for your coverage, and they vary from person to person and by how much coverage you need. Learn more about life insurance premiums, how they’re determined, and where they go.

Life insurance decoded: How health and other factors affect your pricing

Most people understand the value of life insurance—you pay for it while you’re alive to protect your loved ones after you’re gone. But many people don’t understand how their health and lifestyle choices may affect their life insurance costs.

Prepare for your future

When you’re just starting your career, you’re probably not thinking about retirement or life insurance. But this is the ideal time to start putting money toward your future and protecting your finances. Here are three things you should consider doing now.

Are annuities right for me?

Chances are, you’ve heard of annuities. While most annuities share the same general idea—you put money in, your money grows tax-deferred, you get your money back—they are not all the same, and their features vary by product and insurance company. Here’s a quick introduction.

The value of a financial professional

Navigating today’s financial landscape isn’t for the fainthearted. It takes experience, skill, education and good judgment. You don’t pick investments out of a hat—you need guidance from an expert. Find out how a qualified financial professional can help.

What to bring to your first meeting with a financial professional

Before your first meeting with a financial professional, it helps to do a little preparation. Thinking ahead about some common questions and bringing the right information can help make the most of your time together and enable your advisor to suggest solutions and strategies that work for you. Here are some tips.

During market volatility, sitting tight isn’t always right

When markets are volatile, many investors let emotion rule their decisions. Some panic and sell expensive assets at market lows, erasing their portfolio gains. Others sit tight on assets like cash that seem safer out of the market entirely, but then miss out on generating portfolio growth or offsetting losses.

For retirement planning, not every solution hits the headlines

If you’ve explored investment options for your retirement portfolio, you’re probably familiar with stocks, bonds and mutual funds. Maybe you’ve also heard about exchange-traded funds, index funds and other alternative investments. But what about annuities?

Gen X retirement: For the “Slacker Generation,” it’s time to get serious about saving

Generation X, born between 1965 and 1980, is often labeled “the Slacker Generation,” a cynical and forgotten middle child between the larger boomer and millennial generations who wants to just get on with things with as little interference as possible.

The IRS “catch-up” provision: An essential tool for late starters and savvy savers

As you get closer to retirement, you may feel the need to accelerate your savings. Fortunately, an IRS provision allows individuals 50 and older to make additional “catch-up contributions” to their retirement accounts beyond the standard limits.

Can you have growth, protection and flexibility in retirement?

Registered index-linked annuities (RILAs) offer features that go beyond traditional income sources in retirement. Here are five key reasons to consider a RILA.

Unlock savings stability: Fixed indexed annuities as a savvy retirement tool

Fixed indexed annuities can provide a balance between stability and growth in your financial portfolio by providing protection against market downturns, potential for growth, and flexibility. They can be a valuable tool for planning your financial future.

Empowering retirement: Why women should consider annuities

As women continue to make strides in the workforce and take more control of their financial futures, it’s important to explore financial tools—such as annuities—that can provide stability in retirement.

Creating income streams that last a lifetime

After working hard to build your retirement savings, you want those funds to last for your full retirement. That’s why protecting these assets is critical, especially in periods of market volatility. See how an ill-timed market downturn is a retirement risk that can have a big impact on your future income.

Joining “The Great Resignation?” Keep your retirement assets working!

Millions of Americans have voluntarily left their jobs as part of “The Great Resignation.” If you’re part of it or considering it, don’t forget about your accrued retirement savings. Here’s what happens to your 401(k) if you quit—and what you can do to keep your money working.

How inflation erodes your financial security

When projecting your annual retirement income needs, one key variable to consider is how inflation—increases in the cost of living—will affect your future income. The loss of purchasing power as higher costs eat into your savings is one of the most significant risks facing retirees. Here are some important facts about inflation in retirement.

Rising interest rates can add risk to retirement saving

Fixed income investments such as bonds can play an important role in your portfolio. They’re even more critical if you are retired and seeking to generate income from your investments. But what happens to bonds when interest rates rise?

Why women save less for retirement, and strategies that can help

When it comes to retirement planning, women tend to save less money than men. But they also tend to outlive men and are more likely to live alone in their golden years, so they may need to do more to ensure their financial security.

Are income annuities in your early retirement plan?

For many Americans, retiring early is an ambitious but achievable goal. To ensure you have income in retirement that meets your spending needs, income annuities can play a role.

Tax-deferred annuities keep more of your money at work

Every year in April, income taxes take center stage. While taxes may be unavoidable for most Americans, some financial products and investments—including annuities—may be more tax-advantaged than others.

Annuities explained: Get the basics

Annuities can help solve a variety of financial needs, including guaranteed income in retirement. But they can also be complicated, and there are different types to choose from. If you’re thinking about retirement, here are some basic facts about annuities to help you get started.

Where will your retirement income come from?

For most Americans, retirement income will come from three sources: employer-sponsored retirement programs, savings/investments and Social Security. But will you have all three? Not necessarily. Take a look at some additional options for retirement income.

Demystifying annuities

For people seeking guaranteed income in retirement, one of the most effective products available today is also one of the most misunderstood. Let’s face it, annuities have been given a pretty bad rap over the years, and it’s time to clear things up.

Rising rates can get you down

Conservative strategies often rely on “fixed income” investments such as bonds or bond funds to provide stability in a retirement portfolio. But they are not without risk, and a key risk to be aware of is rising interest rates. Here’s why.

Will inflation take the air out of your retirement savings?

Our life expectancies are increasing, which means you could spend up to 30 years or more in retirement. If your retirement money can’t keep up with inflation throughout that time, it will lose its buying power. That’s one reason you may want to consider a fixed indexed annuity (FIA).

The cost of cancer: Preparing for the unexpected

A cancer diagnosis can change everything—your health, your routine and your financial stability. The cost of treatment, combined with the indirect costs of lost income and ongoing care, can be as overwhelming as the disease itself. Even with traditional health insurance, the expenses associated with treatment, travel and time away from work can quickly add up. While you can’t predict a cancer diagnosis, you can take steps to help protect yourself and your loved ones against the financial strains associated with the illness.

Expanding your family: How much does it cost to have a baby?

From the cost of delivery to ongoing monthly expenses, there are financial considerations to expanding your family that may need additional planning.

Saving money by tying the knot: The financial advantages of getting married

While the desire to be together may be the driving force behind tying the knot, understanding the financial advantages can help provide an additional incentive.

Health savings accounts (HSAs): Understand the value of these important financial tools

A health savings account (HSA) can be a great tool to help pay for health care expenses. Here’s an overview of the benefits, rules and other considerations of HSA accounts.

Six things to know about naming—or being—the executor of an estate

A key step in preparing a will is selecting an executor of the estate or estate representative (“executor”) who will ensure that the deceased person’s last wishes are carried out and their financial affairs are settled. Whether you’re choosing someone to be the executor of your estate or you’ve been named executor of someone else’s, here are six things you should know.

Life insurance beneficiaries: How to have a difficult but important discussion in advance

If you’re a life insurance beneficiary, having a conversation with the insured can help clarify important details and ensure a smooth process when the time comes. Here are some important things to consider to approach this sensitive topic.

Practicing self-care on a budget

Self-care is essential to your overall well-being—and it doesn’t require a lot of money. Learn to practice self-care on a budget with these five easy steps.

Life insurance beneficiary? Here’s how to collect your death benefit

Losing a loved one can be a difficult time, so knowing your options in advance can help you make the choices without feeling pressured and overwhelmed.

How to talk to kids about credit

As parents, there are many things you can teach your kids about money, but one of the most important lessons they can learn from you is the importance of credit. Here are some tips to get the conversation started.

The basics of credit

Credit is an important financial tool and a key part of your overall financial health. Learn the basics of credit and why a good credit history is essential for modern living.

Buying early: Lock in lower life insurance rates at a younger age

Life insurance is a product many people don’t think about until they’re older. But the reality is, life is unpredictable, and your younger years are actually a smart time to consider buying life insurance coverage. Here’s why.

Inflation and interest rates: Why now and why it matters

Inflation is the talk of the times, with everything from utilities to clothes to groceries rising in cost at levels not seen in decades. To make matters more complicated, interest rates are now rising as a countermeasure. If you’re wondering how inflation works, why interest rates rise, and why it’s all happening now, here’s a high-level view.

Five easy ways to improve your wellness

Now, more than ever, it’s important to prioritize your well-being. Here are five easy ways to improve your wellness.

Self-care for caregivers: Your own needs matter too

As America’s boomer generation gets older, more adult children are finding themselves in the role of caregivers for their aging parents. Caregiving can be a rewarding but challenging role, so here are some self-care tips to remember.

Five mindfulness techniques to reduce stress quickly

Stress may be impossible to eliminate, but you can learn to manage it.

Three steps to help you find a mental health provider

Prioritizing your mental health is an increasingly important step in self-care, but finding the right provider to meet your needs can be daunting. Here are three tips to facilitate your search.

Eight milestones that may change your insurance needs

Common life events and milestones might trigger the need for life insurance or a change to existing life insurance.

Five ways to save during inflation

Inflation happens, but there are ways to save when prices are on the rise. Discover five tips to help you save in inflationary periods.

Lessons for a lifetime: How to talk to children about money

Learn tips to help teach financial literacy to your children—what to say, how to say it, and how to access financial education tools to tailor the best approach for your family and situation.

Health as wealth—the balance between fitness and finance

Finance and fitness are related, and they play instrumental roles in bringing stability to your life. That’s why investing in your fitness pays off in both your physical and financial well-being.

Is your life insurance policy still working for you?

Anytime a life change occurs, a “policy review” with your insurance professional can help ensure your coverage still suits your needs.

Five myths about life insurance costs and coverage

Life insurance is an important financial tool for protecting your loved ones, but myths and misconceptions about costs and eligibility may prevent people from pursuing their options. Here are five myths about life insurance costs and coverage so you know what to expect.

Are you missing out on benefits offered by your employer?

Employee benefits often go beyond the basics of health insurance and retirement plans. They may include extras you might not even know about. From wellness programs to travel discounts, these workplace perks can help you save money and enjoy life a little more.

Are disability benefits taxable? Know before tax time.

Disability insurance provides essential financial protection by replacing a portion of your income if an injury or illness prevents you from working.

Tax considerations for major medical and HSA benefits

Employer-sponsored medical insurance (referred to as “major medical” insurance) is essential to many Americans for protection from the high costs of medical care. High-deductible health plans (HDHPs) have become a standard offering for many employers because they help reduce the cost of offering medical coverage, but they do result in employees covering more initial costs out-of-pocket before they reach their deductible. Health savings accounts (HSAs) were introduced to help employees pay for these increasing out-of-pocket costs—and save and invest to be better prepared for costs in the future.

Some supplemental benefits are taxable—learn what they are to help avoid surprises

Supplemental health benefits offered by employers can offer benefits beyond major medical insurance to help cover expenses like deductibles, copayments or other unexpected costs. However, unlike traditional health insurance, these benefits aren’t always received tax-free. Knowing what benefits qualify as taxable income can save you from surprises when tax season comes around.

Annual enrollment: Your once-a-year opportunity to maximize your employee benefits

Your employer’s annual benefits enrollment is your opportunity to review and potentially change your employee benefits for the upcoming year. It may be tempting to simply renew what you currently have, but you may be missing out on important opportunities. Here are some considerations to keep in mind when your annual enrollment period comes around.

Accidents can happen at any time. Are you covered?

Accident insurance—often offered through your employer—can help relieve some of the financial pressure that you and your family may face after an accidental injury.

Make sure your benefits keep up with your life changes

Life’s big moments may open the door to making changes to your employee benefits. Learn the steps you can to take to ensure uninterrupted and appropriate care.

Short-term and long-term disability insurance: Financial protection when you need it most

Short-term and long-term disability insurance are common benefit offerings that can help provide some financial protection if you’re unable to work due to a covered injury or illness. Here’s a primer on what they do and why they may be an important addition to your benefits package.

Hospital stays can be costly. Do you have a safety net?

Hospital indemnity insurance can help with the financial burden you and your family may experience after an extended hospital stay.

Critical illness insurance: Protection at critical times

Critical illness insurance can help relieve some of the financial pressure you and your family may face after an unexpected illness.

Understanding supplemental health insurance

It’s time to enroll in benefits at work. You’ve selected your major medical, dental and vision plans. That’s all you need, right? Maybe, maybe not.

If your employer offers supplemental health insurance—like accident or critical illness coverage— taking just a few minutes to understand these plans can be invaluable when planning for your financial future.

Understanding group life and disability insurance

Enrolling in group life and disability insurance through work is an easy way to get that peace of mind you might be looking for. Spending just a few minutes learning about group life and disability insurance can help you make the best decision for you and your loved ones when it’s time to enroll.