Critical illness insurance
Financial relief at a critical time
Medical advancements have greatly improved our ability to manage critical health events. But the unexpected cost of those events—while keeping up with everyday expenses—can put a strain on your finances.
While most major medical plans help with care and treatment expenses, other costs can add financial pressure to an already stressful situation.
Symetra’s critical illness insurance can help.

How it works
If you’re diagnosed with a covered condition after the policy is in effect, you’ll receive a lump-sum benefit payment based on the terms of your policy and the diagnosis.
Benefits are paid directly to you and are not reduced based on any other insurance coverage you have.
Why critical illness insurance?
Critical illness insurance can provide some financial relief during a serious medical condition or life event.
The benefit payment can be used for anything—whether it’s transportation, child care or other expenses—so you can focus more on your recovery and less on your finances.
Coverage for every stage of life
Our criticial illness policy provides coverage for a wide array of conditions that could affect you at any stage of life. Your plan's covered conditions are determined by your employer, so review your enrollment materials or contact your human resources department for your plan’s specific coverages.
Childhood and adolescence
Down syndrome, autism, severe asthma and more.
Early adulthood
Infectious disease, family planning, complications of pregnancy, infertility, severe mental illness and more.
Cancer, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and more.
Late adulthood
Heart attack, stroke, dementia and more.
See your enrollment materials or contact your benefits representative for a full list of covered conditions in your plan.
Claim examples
In addition to their health insurance, Kristen and Robert are both enrolled in Symetra’s critical illness insurance. Their policy includes coverage for cancer diagnoses and heart attacks with a $10,000 benefit amount.

Meet Kristen
Kristen went in for treatment after doctors discovered she had breast cancer. They used a combination of surgery and radiation therapy treatment. Kristen used her critical illness benefit to help pay for her deductible and coinsurance, as well as other expenses while she was recovering.
Benefit paid:
100% of benefit amount = $10,000
How Kristen used her benefit dollars:
Related medical costs; $4,500
Child care: $300
Transportation: $200
Remaining benefit amount put in savings: $5,000

Meet Robert
After Robert suffered a heart attack, he had more than just his medical condition on his mind. With two days spent in the hospital and another three months recovering at home, he welcomed the financial support the critical illness benefit provided to help with a variety of related health costs.
Heart attack
Benefit paid:
100% of benefit amount = $10,000
How Robert used his benefit dollars:
Related medical costs: $5,500
Remaining benefit amount put in savings: $4,500
Note: These examples are for illustrative purposes only and are meant to provide a general overview of how benefits work. Any resemblance to actual persons is purely coincidental. Refer to your enrollment materials for your plan’s specific benefit amounts and costs of coverage.
Why enroll in critical illness insurance at work?
Critical medical events usually lead to unknown and unexpected costs. And some of these—such as transportation, child care and mortgage payments—aren’t covered by health insurance. Critical illness insurance can help pay for these additional costs while you focus on your recovery.
Signing up for Symetra's critical illness insurance at work also means:
- No health questions to answer or tests to take.
- No copays, coinsurance or deductibles to meet.
- Benefits are paid no matter what other coverage you have.
- Benefits can be used for anything.
- 24/7 access to your benefits information with our user-friendly online platform, MyGO.
Next steps
To learn more about critical illness insurance provided by Symetra, contact your benefits representative.

Critical illness policies, insured by Symetra Life Insurance Company, 777 108th Avenue NE, Suite 1200 Bellevue, WA 98004, are not available in all U.S. states or any U.S. territory. They provide benefits at a preselected, fixed dollar amount for covered conditions. They are not a replacement for major medical or other comprehensive coverage, and do not satisfy the minimum essential coverage requirements of the Affordable Care Act. Coverage may be subject to exclusions, limitations, reductions and termination of benefit provisions. For costs and complete details of the coverage, contact your benefits representative.