Notice to inform policyholders of their rights to a secondary addressee

This is a notice of your right to designate a third-party to receive a copy of any notice we send you concerning the possible lapse of your life insurance due to nonpayment of premium.

To designate a third-party to receive these notices, please provide the following information on the attached Third-Party Designation form log in to your account or contact us and provide the designated person’s name, phone number and mailing address.

  • Provide the designated person’s name, phone number and mailing address.
  • Obtain the third-party’s signature of acceptance to receive these notices.
  • Send the completed Third-Party Designation form to us via certified mail, return receipt requested.

The person(s) you designate to receive notices of possible lapse will not incur any liability based on receipt of notices. Should the person(s) you designate wish to terminate their status as designee, they should provide written notice to us at the mailing address above, and to you contact us.

Please note that you may write to us at any time to make, change or cancel a third-party designation.

If you have already designated a third-party to receive a copy of these notices, or do not wish to exercise your right at this time, please disregard this letter.

Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact us. Our Customer Service department and one of our customer service representatives will assist you.

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